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Micro-meeting / Micro-encuentro

  • AV Installation
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Micro-meeting / Micro-encuentro
[Text available only in English] Micro-meeting

Micro-meeting is an interactive-collaborative piece of "micro live body cinema" that invites the viewer to place a sample of his body to explore it through microphotography, from captured images of various elements that make up our corporality and that make a presence in a space, developing a generative graphic as a visual record of our body meeting others within the same environment, fostering an introspective reflection by having a new perception of our body converging with the other, linking tangible links in the context of live video and integrating a narrative about body space and body dynamics; about who inhabits the environment and in what ways.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

A projector that responds to the needs of the surface, facade or screen to be displayed.

The technical installation of the piece is the responsibility of the artist

  • AV Installation



Australia Mexico


Mexico Ciudad de México