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Valentino Catricalà
[Text available only in English] Valentino Catricalà is a scholar and a curator specialised in the analysis of the relationship of artists and film makers with new technologies and media. On this topic, he has written essays and articles in books and has participated to International Symposiums. He has organised and curated exhibits and screenings.
He is the artistic director of the Media Art Festival of Rome (first edition 2015, Centrale Montemartini, Rome) and is director of the “Experimental Section”...
[Text available only in English] Valentino Catricalà is a scholar and a curator specialised in the analysis of the relationship of artists and film makers with new technologies and media. On this topic, he has written essays and articles in books and has participated to International Symposiums. He has organised and curated exhibits and screenings.
He is the artistic director of the Media Art Festival of Rome (first edition 2015, Centrale Montemartini, Rome) and is director of the “Experimental Section” of the International Festival of Short Films Corti and Cigarettes (since 2008, Auditorium Conciliazione, Rome). He has curated the book "Media Art. Towards a New Definition of the Arts in the Age of Technology" (Gli Ori, 2015,
He created and curated the TV program Entr’acte intermediale. Rubrica di videoarte e cinema sperimentale. He received a PhD from the Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts - University of Roma Tre in 2014. He is presently part time postdoc research fellow at Department of Philosophy, Communication and Performing Arts – Roma Tre and works as research fellow at Fondazione Mondo Digitale.

Learnings (1)