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the worst is yet to come

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Likes
the worst is yet to come
[Text available only in English] the worst is yet to come.
a big team of different artists, many characters, many arts, a mashup of video, audio, performance, theatre and ballet, in a pourpurri of glitch and love.
the only goal is to show that you can create something crazy, funny and really cool, something that can never be reply becouse it's born from Improvisation.
the past edition was build thinking to nature and animals, this time everything will be more worst, but don't be afraid, let's partecipate all togheter, becouse there is no limits between audience and artist, you are the show, we are the show, and you will love or hate as we do.

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

all space you can give to place the biggest consolle you ever see, with many computer hardware people and strange things you never think can become art.

  • AV Performance
  • Video Theatre
  • Experimental Electronics



Italy Reggio Emilia, Roma, Florence, Turin, Arezzo, Mantua, Urbania, Como, Brescia, United Kingdom London


LPM 2014 Eindhoven
LPM 2014 Eindhoven
суббота, 28 июня 2014