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  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics
  • Likes
[Text available only in English] #Ambientsession is a 40-minute sound flow that develops and changes in a minimal approach with a solution of continuity - a kind of detachment from reality. Sounds and textures are created through the turntables, i.e. a DJ console used as a real musical instrument. Records and the DJ console, together with the playback speed of microgrooves, dynamic distortion and filtering, create dense and evolving sound environments reminiscent of the electronic and experimental music of the 70s to today, combining artists such as Battiato, Terry Riley, Patrick Cowley, Pär Lindgren, Bitchin Bajas, Max Richter, Lawrence English, Deepchord with some original tracks by Marco Erroi himself. The whole performance is mixed and "performed" to create a fluid sound that crosses different subgenres but always stays in the ambient/experimental sound idea.
Live Visual: Ivan Garrisi

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

DJ consolle:
n.1 mixer Pioneer DJM 750
n.2 giradischi Technics SL1200/1210

What the artists brings

performance A/V - video in sync con l'audio generato durante la performance

  • AV Performance
  • Generative
  • Experimental Electronics


Marco Erroi
Marco Erroi

Italy Copertino

Simone Memè
Simone Memè

Italy Roma


Videos (2)