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Virtual Sculptures and Performances

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Virtual Sculptures and Performances
[Text available only in English] The workshop “Virtual Sculptures and Performances” provides an extensive introduction to low-budget 3D scanning technique using a kinect camera and the Skanect software. It examines the differences between room, object and body scanning and the post-processing workflow in the Skanect software. Other softwares and free apps for photogrammetry scanning are also explored (i.e. trnio, scanned). It also provides an insight to the sketchfab ( website, where users can upload and visualise, also with a VR headset, in real-time their 3D creations.
On the side, artworks that use 3D scanning as main technique or tool are analysed (i.e. clair Hentshger, Theoklitos Trian, Sophie Kahn).

Duration (minutes)


What is needed

- 3 kinect model 1414
- 3 spotlights
- electricity cables
- wifi
- 1 projector
- speakers

  • Workshop


Martina Menegon
Martina Menegon

Austria Vienna