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[Text available only in English] Chasers is an A/V mashup band whereby performers use customized digital instruments to distort, fracture and remix American and French cult films. In the age of recycling and innovation, this trio comes together with new technology and our old fond memories of popular culture. A smart phone is used as a musical instrument; a videobass has a similar function as a remote control more so than a guitar. Two females, a New York video...[Text available only in English] Chasers is an A/V mashup band whereby performers use customized digital instruments to distort, fracture and remix American and French cult films. In the age of recycling and innovation, this trio comes together with new technology and our old fond memories of popular culture. A smart phone is used as a musical instrument; a videobass has a similar function as a remote control more so than a guitar. Two females, a New York video artist Angie Eng and a Parisian VJ Cécile Lacombe play their Videobasses, computer sensor video controllers in the shape of bass guitars. Front center is Atau Tanaka, music researcher, scientist and inventor of the modsquad patch for playing music samples via hand gestures on smart phones.The end result is a parody and a new genre of audiovisuals.

Performances (1)

Members (3)

Angie Eng

Angie Eng

  • 1 AV Performances
  • 1 Videos
  • 1 Galleries

Footage (1)